Improved course conditions are maintained by the special technology and know-how of our specialists.
□Soil and water inspection and analysis determines the appropriate amount of chemicals and water to spray and the right kind of materials to use for maintenance in order to ensure the right course conditions.
□We select and use high-quality, advanced materials and machinery for maintenance work from economical viewpoints and based on reasonable judgment.
□Computer-based total management is provided, which covers maintenance work, materials and machinery to use, labor costs and other necessary factors.
□Appropriate course management is provided through close coordination between on location staff and specialists at headquarters.
Economy of scale achieved by providing maintenance services to numerous courses
□Regional central management allows streamlined supply of the necessary personnel whenever and wherever they are needed.
□A system is in place that allows swift implementation of repair work as a quick response to course damaged caused by a disaster
□ Integrated pest management (IPM) by our specialists allows high-quality maintenance quickly.
□ Specialized machinery available for maintenance work.
□State of the art equipment available to ensure enhanced work efficiency.